this house has people in it

family number : 00437
color systems : ntsc
date of event : 01-06-2014
data memorysl : ok
tape numbersl : 0042

log notes:

subject 4 bedroom 3


user00437 login: 8/6/2021 21:56:19

Version 2.1 (C)Copyright rocketlavnchergun via instagram

Running scripts . . . complete
Validating IP . . . complete
Restoring database . . . complete
Collating logs . . . complete

Password Authenticated

CD . . sGo to parent directory
HELP sllDisplay AB-DOS commands
PRINT lsPrint text files
lllll Up
sllll Down


:> |

08-06-2021 t15:53:12t Subject 4 is named Jamison
08-06-2021 t15:55:12t Subject 4 is the host of a system
08-06-2021 t15:57:17t Subject 4 is a fictive of Junkrat
08-06-2021 t16:00:01t Subject 4 uses he/they/it pronouns
08-06-2021 t16:02:11t Subject 4 is ENTP 7w8
08-06-2021 t16:04:23t Subject 4's favorite colors are y/o/g
08-06-2021 t16:06:41t Subject 4 speaks fin esp eng
08-06-2021 t16:07:11t Subject 4 knows bits of ita frn lat
08-06-2021 t16:10:17t Subject 4 is a caffeine addict
08-06-2021 t16:10:19t Subject 4 does not mind junkrat doubles

user00437 login: 8/6/2021 21:56:19

Version 2.1 (C)Copyright rocketlavnchergun via instagram

Running scripts . . . complete
Validating IP . . . complete
Restoring database . . . complete
Collating logs . . . complete

Password Authenticated

CD . . sGo to parent directory
HELP sllDisplay AB-DOS commands
PRINT lsPrint text files
lllll Up
sllll Down


:> |

[Subject 1] - Mako
Subject 4's words : you are. so cool. i would ruin my sleep scheduled for you anyday. hehe. roadhog. no but seriously you make my days so so much better. and thank you for being my impulse control
[Subject 2] - Jack
Subject 4's words : hehehehe you are so. silly. i like talking to you a lot. why r u a cowboy.. fellow beaner in arms as you said. also fellow system
[Subject 3] - Milo
Subject 4's words : you are so funny. i like talking w you a lot. even though you have a very tiny useless penis i can’t use to become strong. also you’re lucio
[Subject 5] - Henry
Subject 4's words : secret history friend. henry irl. you are cool in a very sexy mysterious dark literature way